Notebook with pencil on table

Family-Based Treatment

For Anorexia Nervosa and Other Eating Disorders 

FBT is the most evidence-based treatment for adolescents with AN - meaning it has been shown to get the best results when compared to other therapy methods, like individual talk therapy. FBT is working together as one aligned treatment team to get rid of the eating disorder for good.

You are the expert on your child and you know how to best support them, motivate them, encourage them and teach them. You have all the tools you need already. I am just here to support you in this journey. 

You may be trying to get your child to eat more. You may be preparing their favorite meals or “healthy” meals in hopes they will just eat something-eat anything! And the eating disorder is still around and still making your child miserable.

You are trying to figure out what to make, who to ask for help, and what to do. Maybe you’ve asked your pediatrician or school guidance counselor or even your child’s therapist and they are all trying to help, but nothing seems to be working or helping enough.

There is a HUGE lack of knowledge about eating disorders, even within the medical and mental health fields. There is almost NO training about spotting or treating eating disorders in Graduate school.

I am here to be that resource and help you know what next step to take to get your child back to feeling happy, joyful, energetic, and laughing again. 

Candle on stack of books

It can be so difficult to navigate parenting when your child has an eating disorder

They might seem like they are just being mean or awful and you aren’t sure if this is just typical teenage behavior or if there’s something more going on. The eating disorder can affect everyone in the home, especially siblings who don’t know how to navigate it. They may be mad at their sibling for disrupting meals and yelling at everyone who says anything about food or bodies, but they also may feel bad and miss their sibling who used to play games and laugh with them.

Family therapy can help siblings to understand more about the eating disorder and have a space to get their feelings, wants and needs to be heard by everyone. The eating disorder can also cause stress between parents- someone has to be the bad cop. And that can get exhausting. FBT can help us to navigate how to get everyone on the same page and the same team against the eating disorder-including your sick child. 

If you are questioning your worth and value as a parent- I am here for you. If you feel like you’re not sure what the right decision is for your child and your family- I will listen and help you make the right choice for you. If you’ve lost hope that things will ever get better- I am here for you. If you are up at night worried that your child will never be able to live a normal life or go to college I am here to help you. Eating disorders know how to tug on your heartstrings as a parent it can be so difficult to set boundaries and to continue to hold them in the face of a screaming, crying, sick child- I am here to help you do that. 

White couch with woven rug two tables

Family-Based Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa and Other Eating Disorders


Consists of 3 Phases:

1) Full Parental Control
2) Gradual Return of Control to Adolescent
3) Establishing Healthy Independence



Right now! And weekly for 6-12 months

We meet virtually for 50-60 minutes and I guide you on how to implement daily changes in your home. I work with clients who live in and are currently located in the state of Ohio.


Because your child needs you to do this - to save their life.

How Family-Based Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa and Other Eating Disorders Works

Step 1

Schedule a FREE consultation call to see if we’re a good fit

Step 2

90-minute Virtual Eating Disorder Assessment- We meet to determine if your child has an eating disorder and what their specific type of eating disorder is so that we can best help them. I ask lots of questions about history, eating, body image, etc. to gather information.

Step 3

Schedule Session 1- We get started right away with our first family session.

Step 4

We continue- it won’t be easy. It might get worse before it gets better-don’t give up!

Step 5

We work through the 3 Phases of Family-Based Treatment.

Step 6

You graduate! You have your child back and they have their life back

Frequently Asked Questions

  • As long as it takes to get rid of the eating disorder. Usually, the longer the ED has been present, the longer treatment is. I generally say anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. FBT is made to last 6-12 months.

  • Weekly family therapy sessions of 50-60 minutes.

  • FBT can work with many different family structures, as long as there is a support team. Doing it as a single parent is really hard and we recommended seeking support from friends or extended family members during treatment. Divorced families successfully complete FBT all the time- the key is COMMUNICATION. We will work to help you communicate effectively with your child’s parent to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child. They need you BOTH to step up and help them get rid of this ED.

  • This depends. Right now our main goal is to get your child eating regularly. This might mean having supervised lunches or going to school to eat with your child.

  • I will work collaboratively with your pediatrician to determine the best way to get your child to a healthy place. This will likely look like more frequent visits to the pediatrician for weight and medical monitoring. I will request growth charts from your pediatrician and a Release of Information so that we can work together.

  • They probably won’t. That’s ok. We don’t need them to want to go to therapy or to like it. We need them to live. As long as you are on board as parents, that’s all we need for FBT to work.

  • That’s up to you! FBT does not require a dietician. You have fed your child their whole life- you helped them to grow and develop wonderfully until the eating disorder came in- you can do it again. I can help you with structure and guidance in terms of Meal Plan and Ideas. You can also work with a dietician who specializes in Eating Disorders! There are many wonderful ones out there. Please be cautious of working with a dietician who does not have any eating disorder training as it could be harmful to our work together.

Do you have a question that wasn’t answered here? Send me an email!